Classify my property
The advantages of classifying your furnished tourist appartement

You are an owner and you want to classify your furnished tourist accommodation. We are here to help you.
In a few words: What is a furnished tourist accommodation?
Furnished tourist accommodations are furnished villas, appartements or studios that meet the following conditions:
According to article D 324-1 of the Tourism Code:
- The furnished tourist accommodation must be for the exclusive use of the renter.
- It must be offered for rental to a passing customer who does not take up residence there.
- And who is staying there on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
According to Article 1.1 of the Hoguet Law:
- The lease must be concluded for a maximum and non-renewable period of ninety consecutive days
Furnished tourist accommodation must have a minimum amount of equipment:
- Furniture (bed, sofa, table, chairs...)
- Appliances (refrigerator, hotplates,etc.)
-Kitchen utensils (cutlery, plates, glasses,etc)

What are the advantages of having your furnished tourist accommodation classified?
- Taxation: a tax allowance of 71% instead of 50% for a, unclassified furnished apartment
- A guarantee of quality and peace of mind for your guests. It allows guests to combine a certain quality and a level of comfort and service to a furnished tourist accommodation.
- Better visibility: your flat is listed on various communication platforms including the tourism office's website.
- You have the possibility of accepting holiday voucher by joining the Agence Nationale des Chèques Vacances (ANCV).
- A fixed tourist tax per night and per person, according to the number of stars
- An attractive landmark for both french and foreign customers.
- the exonoration of the CFE, according to the 3rd article from 1459 of the taxe's general code ( CGI)*
What are the necessary steps to have your furnished tourist accommodation classified?
1. Contact an accredited or approved organization:
You can contact CANNES ACCOMMODATION REAL ESTATE, an organization accredited by the delegation of the FNAIM for the classification of furnished tourist accommodation to inform you of the formalities to be fulfilled.
List of the organizations at
2. Request your classification file
You can order a classification visit from CANNES ACCOMMODATION REAL ESTATE by email at
3. Get an estimation:
We will look at your file and check it. An estimate will be sent to you within 48/72 hours, with a document to be filled in before the visit (description of the property with your requested classification). We will as well provide the classification chart. It will allow you to take note of the classification criteria in order to evaluate the number of stars that you can obtain for your furnished accommodation.
4. Confirm your request
To confirm your request, you must return the filled in and signed documents to us by e-mail or by post with the payment.
5. Make an appointment for the visit
Upon reception, CANNES ACCOMMODATION REAL ESTATE will contact you as soon as possible to make an appointment for the inspection of the property.
6. Prepare your accommodation
Your furnished accommodation must be presented:
- In a rental situation
- Clean
- with all the furniture and items usually available to the tenant,
- free of any occupant
For your information, the visit can last 1 to 2 hours depending on the surface area of the furnished accommodation.
7. Get a proposal for a classification decision
Within 30 days of the inspection, we will send you a certificate of inspection which includes 3 documents
- The inspection reports
- The inspection chart duly completed by the assessing body
- A proposed classification decision.
If the classification cannot be provided after the visit due to missing elements on the day of the visit, you have 15 days to provide proof of the additions you have made (photos, receipts).
8. Accept the proposal or make a complaint:
You have 15 days to express any complaint or disagreement concerning the classification of your furnished accommodation. After this period, the classification is established.
9. Validity of the classification:
The classification is valid for 5 years. The classification decision must be displayed in the appartement.
10. Benefit from the promotion of your stars:
Once the classification is official, the promotion of the classification of your furnished accommodation can be undertaken on the tools of your choice, without forgetting to inform your tourist office located in the commune of your furnished accommodation.
11. Declare your furnished accommodation:
Before any rental, you must declare your activity to the town hall of the commune where your furnished accommodation is located (cerfa 14004-04) and indicate your classification decision.
12. Rely on reliable partners:
We do not forget you. We will call you back a few months before the end of the validity period of your classification to renew it.

Relevant documents
- Your classification chart for all categories
- Your declaration form to the town hall
- Order of 24 November 2021 modifying the order of 02 August 2010 fixing the standards and the procedure of classification of a furnished tourist accommodation
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