Sell your apartment or your villa in Cannes
Cannes Accommodation offers a personalised service to make your real estate sale in Cannes a success.
Your real estate agency Cannes Accommodation supports your project in 4 steps:
Estimate the right price of your apartment or your villa in Cannes
Easy and fast appointment making with respect to the new Covid-19 health standards
Visit and study of your property's assets
Comparative market analysis thanks to our excellent knowledge of your neighborhood
- You will receive a precise and realistic real estate estimate within 48h
Preparation of your project
Signing of a Sales Order
Organisation of obligatory diagnostics and verification of connections to the public sewerage network
Creation of a sales file consisting of many mandatory documents
Creation of a photo book by a real estate professional
Creation of a 360° interactive virtual tour
Personalised marketing plan adapted to the specific characteristics of your property
- Tips to sell your apartment or villa faster
Find the right buyer
Advertisement on specialised websites
Installation of a "For sale" panel on the façade of the building if possible
Presentation of your property to our customer database (more than 400 investors)
24/7 visit if necessary for active buyers
Virtual tour for foreign buyers
Systematic reporting for continuous and transparent information
Analysis of the buyer’s motivation and study of his financial capacity
- Writing and signature of the purchase offer
Sign the sale of your property
Preparation and drafting of your sales agreement
Management of interactions with your property manager to gather mandatory documents
Regular report and information about the lifting of any suspensive conditions
Management of contacts with your notary
Study of the draft deed written by your notary
We come with you on the day of the signature of the final deed at the notary’s to defend your interests until the last moment
- Signature of the sale of your apartment at your notary’s office
You own a property in Cannes, you wish to have it valued?
You can contact an expert of the Cannes Accommodation team at:
+33 (0)4 93 38 33 33
You can also visit us at the agency. We will be delighted to discuss your project over a coffee.
The Cannes Accommodation team welcomes you at 2 rue Lafayette in the heart of Cannes.
L'activité de transaction et de gestion (baux longue durée) est réalisée par la Sarl CANNES ACCOMMODATION REAL ESTATE, au capital de 10 000 €, dont le siège social est situé 2 RUE LAFAYETTE - 06400 CANNES, immatriculée sous le numéro de SIREN 478 303 514 au RCS de CANNES, représentée par Monsieur Bruno DRAILLARD, en sa qualité de gérant , dûment habilité à l’effet des présentes . La Sarl Cannes Accommodation Real Estate est titulaire de la carte professionnelle numéro CPI 0605 2016 000 003 054, délivrée le 01/12/2019 par la chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Nice-Côte d'Azur située à 20 Bd Carabacel BP 1259 06005 Nice Cedex 1
Carte portant la mention ''Transactions sur immeubles et fonds de commerce ; gestion immobilière ''.
Garantie financière par GALIAN - 89 rue de la boétie 75008 Paris, pour un montant de 120 000 € en transactions et 320 000 € en gestion immobilière, contrat n°GF0000502455 couvrant la zone géographique suivante : France.
Titulaire d’une assurance en responsabilité civile professionnelle auprès de MMA - 14 BVD MARIE ET ALEXANDRE OYON 72030 LE MANS CEDEX sous le numéro de police 120137405, contrat couvrant la zone géographique suivante : France.
Acceptant le règlement des sommes dues par chèque libellé à mon nom en qualité de membre d'un centre de gestion agréé.
Consultez ici les barêmes de prix pour vos divers services liés à la transaction et à la gestion en longue durée.